topology: shape, manifold, dimension
analysis: infinity, continuum, maps
algebra: abstraction, structure, inference
modeling: model, automata, science
Theory proved in the book
- there are infinite number of shapes (infinite family argument: systemic process of churning out descendant)
- continuous >> infinity (diagonal indexing technique)
- every complete-information game without luck is “solvable.”
- 1+1 = 2
- Topology
- two shapes are the same if you can turn one into the other by stretching and squeezing, without any ripping or gluing
- The circle (aka S one) and the infinite line (named R one) are the only manifolds in the first dimension.
- shape is called a manifold if it has no special points: no end-points, no crossing-points, no edge-points, no branching-points (corresponding open set from manifold to euclidean space)
- Analysis
- analysis deals with infinity and continuum the way jouranlist deal with vowels and consonants
- abstraction (reduction – the same are the same): get the general concept of flow without committing to any particular flowing substance
- flowing substance inside a rigid container has a fixed point
- maps are used to analyze projection, transformation, dynamic changes, geometric curves, physical system states
Algebraic structure – abstraction of pattern, regularity, relation - every symbol is a general placeholder for an infinite cast of possible replacements.
- form? What makes this structured world, with the partner-things, qualitatively different from a collection of unrelated objects?
- abstract algebra’s big idea is that math is complicated version of basic partner world
- isomorphic: two structure with the same structure
- categories of structure—fields, rings, groups, loops, graphs, lattices, orderings, semigroups, groupoids, monoids, magmas, modules, and then a whole bunch that we just lazily call algebras.
- structure examples: set(simplest structure), graph(set with additional structure), game/predator-prey tree,
- symmetry types: flip, rotational, transitional, dilational
- reduction; all arithmetic relation could be reduced to axiom system with five statements: 1) zero is a number 2) if x is a number, the successor of x is a number, 3) zero is not the successor of the number, 4) two numbers with the same successor are the same number 5) if a set S contains zero and S contains the successor of every number in S, then S contains every number
* Godel proved “every possible model of arithmetic is imcomplete”, “no formal system of proof can prove all mathematical truths”
- math philosophy types:
- platonism – mathematical objects really exist in some “platonic realm”
- intuitionism -math is an extension of human intuition and reasoning
- logicism – math is an extension of logic, which is objective and universal
- empiricism – math is just like science: it must be tested to be believed
- formalism – math is a game of symbolic manipulation with no deeper meaning
- conventionalism – math is the set of agreed-upon truths within the math community
- We’re not inventing math to fit our world—we’re discovering what math is out there, and then later realizing that our world happens to look exactly like it.
Comment is the energy for a writer, thanks!