Text: Introduction to Linear Regression Analysis – Douglas M. et al. (5th edition)
- Introduction
- regression and model building
- data collection
- uses of regression
- role of the computer
- Simple Linear Regression
- simple linear regression model
- least-squares estimation of the parameters
- hypothesis testing on the slope and intercept
- interval estimation in simple linear regression
- prediction of new observations
- coefficient of determination
- a sevice industry application of regression
- using sas and r for simple linear regression
- come considerations in the use of regression
- regression through the origin
- estimation by maximum likelihood
- case where regressor x is random
- Multiple Linear Regression
- multiple regression models
- estimation of the model parameters
- hypothesis testing in multiple linear regression
- confidence intervals in multiple regression
- prediction of new observations
- a multiple regression model for the patient satisfaction data
- hidden extrapolation in multiple regression
- standardized regression coefficients
- multicollinearity
- why do regression cofficients have the wrong sign?
- Model Adequacy Checking
- introduction
- residual analysis
- press statistic
- detection and treatment of outliers
- lack of fit of the regression model
- Transformations and Weighting to Correct Model Inadequacies
- introduction
- variance-stablizing transformations
- transformations to linearize the model
- analytical methods for selecting a transformation
- generalized and weighted least squares
- regression models with random effects
- Diagnostics for Leverage and Influence
- importance of detecting influential
- leverage
- measures of influence: cook’s d
- measures of influence: dffits and dfbetas
- a measure of model performance
- detecting groups of influencial observations
- treatment of influential observations
- Polynomial Regression Models
- introdution
- polynomial models in one variable
- nonparametric regression
- polynomial models in tow or more variables
- orthogonal polynomials
- Indicator Variables
- general concept of indicator variables
- comments on the use of indicator variables
- regression approach to analysis of variance
- Multicolinearity
- introduction
- sources of multicollinearity
- effects of multicollinearity
- multicolinearity diagnostics
- methods for dealing with multicolinearity
- using sas to perform ridge and pricipal component regression
- Variable Selection and Model Building
- introduction
- computational techniques for variable selection
- strategry for variable selectiona and model building
- case study: gorman and toman asphalt data using sas
- Validation of Regression Models
- introduction
- validation techniques
- data from planned experiments
- Introduction to Nonlinear Regression
- linear and nonlinear regression is a member of the exponential family
- origins of nonlinear models
- nonlinear least squares
- transformation to a linear model
- parameter estimation in a nonlinear system
- statistical inference in nonlinear regression
- examples of nonlinear regression models
- using sas and r
- Generalized Linear Models
- introduction
- logistic regression models
- poisson regression
- the generalized linear model
- Regression Analysis of Time Series Data
- introduction to regression models for time series data
- detecting autocorrelation: the durbin-watson test
- estimating the parameters in time series regression models
- Other Topics in the Use of Regression Analysis
- robust regression
- effect of measurement errors in the regressors
- inverse estimation – the calibration problem
- classification and regression trees (cart)
- neural networks
- desinged experiments for regression
SNU Class
Byeong U. Park
Object :
simple, multiple regression, residual analysis, polynomial regression, variable and model selection, logistics regression, generalized linear models
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