Category: simulation

Vertigo as a Turing test

Nature is the highest abstraction. Abstraction (a.k.a. quotient or contraction operation) is allowed under consistency. Movie (animation, simulated dynamic of at least three objects) is a highly abstracted…

Approach via its Dual and Negative form

두 수학과 교수님께서 수학기본정신으로 강조하신 내용 체용 (or 음양)의 쌍대론 수학적 귀납법과 귀류법이 전부 을 제 언어로 풀어봤습니다: 귀납법은 용적 명제를 체로 접근 (용-체) 귀류법은 체적 명제를 이체로…

Excerpts on simulation

What? is simulation The following is table of contents from Regression and other stories (Gelman, et al.) and Stochastic models (Ross). Simulation of discrete probability models continuous and…

Workflow network starts from philosophy on simulation

 The focus on model network is to evaluate properties of the statistical methods being used based on simulation results. However, this evaluation requires essential questions to be answered: definition and specification…

Analyzing repeated use of blackbox algorithm with Rachel Cummings

Coupling techniques that I wish to apply to solve my problem is from privacy fields so I was looking forward to this talk. I asked question on how…

Bayesian Calibration (2): SBC as navigator

1. Goal Here is a short SBC summary, widely used algorithm testing framework which I aim to extend as follows: An update algorithm that finds well-calibrated prior or range of well-calibration  with certain…

Workflow network (1): adding inference algorithm choice for multiverse analysis

The three main themes for my research on simulation on generative model classes are as follows with related literature: A. interaction between reality and hyperreality (simulation) on Bayesian workflow…

Bayesian calibration (1): Introduction

I am planning for three series along with the following diagram 1. Introduction to Bayesian calibration 2. Bayesian calibration meets decision and its application 3. $\text{Simulation-based calibration}^{TM}$ for…

Quantum Chemistry

Only through the observables could we explore the unknown and determine the value of the model; $p(t|M)$ as the output of the model is the only thing that…

Structure-based Transport: how Bayes meets Geometry

Optimal exploration of model+algorithm space is my research interest. We, modelers, face this problem every day as we add, subtract, and transform the predictors to our time-series, linear…