Category: mathPage 1 of 2
I am logging what I witnessed in different fields, the example and potential contributing factors for two – three crevice. Exploring the intractability boundary, I theorized two is…
Quotes I invented for myself and for teaching. Will be continuously updated. Rate becomes probability for time customer (s/s) dBt: Denstined to be created By part and killed…
The most memorable comment from Daniel Bienstock’s first optimization lecture was “we use induction when there is a structure”. But upon my question “how about contradiction” instead of…
두 수학과 교수님께서 수학기본정신으로 강조하신 내용 체용 (or 음양)의 쌍대론 수학적 귀납법과 귀류법이 전부 을 제 언어로 풀어봤습니다: 귀납법은 용적 명제를 체로 접근 (용-체) 귀류법은 체적 명제를 이체로…
How would you find the solution to the following equation? First, evaluate x in the first equation with y = 1 on the left, call this x_1. Then…
My question began from how and where could the idea of lifting or augmentation be used cleverly like HMC? Adding the momentum variable helps structured sampling in HMC….
– How chance is solidified as probability and applied to mathematics, statistics, economics, and finance to physics and computer science – Starting from Cardano and Ramsey who thought…
Optimal exploration of model+algorithm space is my research interest. We, modelers, face this problem every day as we add, subtract, and transform the predictors to our time-series, linear…
Model+Algorithm space aka. mathematical formulation + computational tool trying to reproduce the real world and posterior space. As the figure suggests, a combination of two mathematical formulations, prior…
(tbc) contents topology: shape, manifold, dimension analysis: infinity, continuum, maps algebra: abstraction, structure, inference foundation modeling: model, automata, science Theory proved in the book there are infinite number…