Category: StanPage 2 of 3
Computing the posterior is our target. Expectation to get the marginal as we might not know the exact data distribution. Even if we do, computation is burdensome in…
motivation: variability . and heavy computation of point-wise-hyperparmeter SBC check approximate the whole procedure using sensitivity to alpha and may work
codes are in dir(test_prophet) : returns all functions within an module
it’s not exactly log p(theta, x). log [p(f(phi), x) |J_f| ] = log p(theta, x) + log det(J_f). The sampling in Stan is done on the unconstrained parameters,…
example models가 많다 스탠은 assume our users are applied statisticians PyMC3 assumes its users are Python programmers
Knowing the contents of this chapter which introduce the concept of hierarchical model and its famous application, eight school model, itself is helpful enough! 5.1 Constructing a parameterized…
traceplot(estimated_model)하면 바로 traceplot그려짐 단순 vector[n_groups] mu와 orderde[n_groups] mu의 traceplot비교 log_exp_sum random.choices(population, weights, k=#sample) compiled_model <- stan_model(“a.stan”) 항상 setwd(getwd())로 시작하기 for(i in 1:N) { for(k in 1:n_groups) { contributions[k]… MAP estimation Hamiltonian Monte Carlo estimation Posterior prediction Multilevel model formulas Nice covariance priors Non-centered parameterization Semi-automated Bayesian imputation Gaussian…