Category: BayesianPage 6 of 7

[contents] Machine Learning A Probabilistic Perspective

Introduction Probability Generative models for discrete data Gaussian models Bayesian statistics Frequentist statistics Linear regression Logistic regression Generalized linear models and the exponential family Directed graphical models (Bayes…

[Q&A] Bayesian Model Averaging VS. Ensemble

What is the difference between Bayesian Model Averaging and Ensemble (model combination methods)? -Question from [Forecasting in Business in Talks] Let’s see the difference with the example: density estimation…

[contents] Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning

Introduction example: polynomial curve fitting probability theory model selection the curse of dimensionality decision theory information theory Probability Distribution binary variables multinomial variables the gaussian distribution the exponential…

STEM-GLEAP Academic Exchange

Forecasting in Business Molecular Representation and Machine Learning for Inverse Molecular Design  

STEM Tech Square Title: Bayesian in Machine Learning: Probabilistic Programming with Stan

[Baysian Statistics Series in Wikipedia] 2. Approximate Bayesian computation  

[contents] 프로그래머를 위한 베이지안 with 파이썬

베이지안 추론의 철학 서론 베이지안 프레임워크 확률분포 이산적인 경우 연속적인 경우 lambda란 무엇인가 컴퓨터를 사용하여 베이지안 추론하기 예제: 문자 메시지 데이터에서 행동 추론하기 PyMC 해석 사후확률분포에서 얻은 표본에는…

[Baysian Statistics Series in Wikipedia] 1. Empirical Bayes method prior distribution is estimated from the data 데이터로부터 추정되는 사전분포 standard Bayesian methods : prior distribution is fixed before any data are observed 표준 베이즈 방법에서는 데이터를 관찰하기 전에…

Stan meeting: met Andrew Gelman & Stan developers

Stan meeting 참석하여 StanKorea 소개 2019년 1월 17일, Columbia 대학교에서 열린 Stan meeting에 StanKorea 운영진이 참석하여 <2018년 활동> 1.페이스북 그룹 생성 2.공우 테크스퀘어(Bayesian data analysis with Stan) 진행…

Statistical Rethinking 3

회귀(Regression), 그 중에서도 선형 회귀 (Linear regression): 가장 간단한 모델이며 다음 세 특성 가짐 model of mean, variance of normally distributed measure mean as additive combination of weighted…