13.1 finding post modes
conditional max
newton’s method
quasi-newton and conjugate gradient methods
numerical computation of derivatives
13.2 boundary-avoiding priors for modal summaries
posterior modes on the boundary of param space
zero-avoiding prior dist for a group level variance param
13.3 normal and related mixture approx
13.4 finding marginal post modes using em
derivation of the em and generalized em
implementation of em
13.5 approx cond and marginal post dens
13.6 hierarchical norml model
13.7 variational inference
mini of kld
class of approx dist
variational bayes alg
-educational testing exp
determining the conditional exp
proof that each step decrease kld
model checking
variational bayes followed by importance sampling or particle filtering
em as a special case of bayes
more general forms of variational bayes
13.8 expectation propagation
expectation propagation for logistic regression
– bioassay logistic regression with two coefficients
13.9 other approx
integrated nested laplace approx
approx bayesian computation
13.10 unknown normalizing factors
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