- Pandoc
markdown을 다양한 포맷으로 변환해 주는 변환기
Haskell로 만들어진 변환기로 markdown, mediaWiki, textile, HTML, ms word(.docx), epub, pdf등으로 변환이 가능한 유틸리티
- VS Code
Visual Studio Code is an editor (has an integrated terminal)
Visual Studio is an IDE
Visual Studio가 좋지만 너무 무거워서 작은 규모의 프로젝트는 Visual Studio이용
VS Code vs Sublime vs Atom
- Markdown and Markup
Markup is a generic term for a language that describes a document’s formatting
Markdown is a specific markup library: http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/
Markup is a general term for content formatting – such as HTML – but markdown is a library that generates HTML markup.
Markdown is a text-to-HTML conversion tool for web writers. In a wider sense, any text-to-HTML conversion tool could be considered supporting “markdown”.
Comment is the energy for a writer, thanks!