- Introduction
- Probability
- Generative models for discrete data
- Gaussian models
- Bayesian statistics
- Frequentist statistics
- Linear regression
- Logistic regression
- Generalized linear models and the exponential family
- Directed graphical models (Bayes nets)
- Mixture models and the EM algorithm
- Latent linear models
- Sparse linear models
- Kernels
- Gaussian processes
- Adaptive basis function models
- Markov and hidden Markov models
- State space models
- Undirected graphical models (Markov random fields)
- Exact inference for graphical models
- Variational inference
- More variational inference
- Monte Carlo inference
- Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) inference
- Clustering
- Graphical model structure learning
- Latent variable models for discrete data
- Deep learning
- Introduction
- Machine Learning: what and why?
- Supervised learning
- Unsupervised learning
- Some basic concepts in machine learning
- Probability
- Introduction
- A brief review of probability theory
- Some common discrete distributions
- Some common continuous distributions
- Joint probability distributions
- Transformation of random variables
- Monte Carlo approximation
- Information theory
- Generative models for discrete data
- Introduction
- Bayesian concept learning
- The beta-binomial model
- The Dirichlet-multinomial model
- Naive Bayes classifier
- Gaussian models
- Introduction
- Gaussian discriminant analysis
- Inference in jointly Gaussian distributions
- Linear Gaussian systems
- Digression: The Wishart distribution
- Inferring the parameters of MVN
- Bayesian statistics
- Introduction
- Summarizing posterior distributions
- Bayesian model selection
- Priors
- Hierachical Bayes
- Empirical Bayes
- Baeysian decision theory
- Frequentist statistics
- Introduction
- Sampling distribution of an estimator
- Frequentist decision theory
- Desirable properties of estimators
- Empirical risk minimization
- Pathologies of frequentist statistics
- Linear regression
- Introduction
- Model specification
- Maximum likelihood estimation (least squares)
- Robust linear regression
- Ridge regression
- Bayesian linear regression
- Logistic regression
- Introductions
- Model specification
- Model fitting
- Bayesian logistic regression
- Online learning and stochasitc optimization
- Generative vs discriminative classifiers
- Generalized linear models and the exponential family
- Introduction
- The exponential families
- Generalized linear models (GLMs)
- Probit regression
- Multi-task learning
- Generalized linear mixed models
- Learning to rank
- Directed graphical models (Bayes nets)
- Introduction
- Exmples
- Inference
- Learning
- Conditional indepence properties of DGMs
- Mixture models and the EM algorithm
- Latent variable models
- Mixture models
- Parameter estimation for mixture models
- The EM algorithm
- Model selection for latent variable models
- Fitting models with missing data
- Latent linear models
- Factor analysis
- Principal components analysis (PCA)
- Choosing the umber of latent dimensions
- PCA for categorical data
- PCA for paired and multi-view data
- Independent Component Analysis (ICA)
- Sparse linear models
- Introduction
- Bayesian variable selection
- L1 regularization: basics
- L1 regularization: algorithms
- L1 regularization: extensions
- Non-convex regularizers
- Automatic relevance determination (ARD)/sparse Bayesian learning (SBL)
- Sparse coding
- Kernels
- Introduction
- Kernel functions
- Using kernels inside GLMs
- The kernel trick
- Support vector machines (SVMs)
- Comparison of discriminative kernel methods
- Kernels for building generative models
- Gaussian processes
- Introduction
- GPs for regression
- GPs meet GLMs
- Connection with other methods
- GP latent variable model
- Approximation methods for large datasets
- Adaptive basis function models
- Introduction
- Classification and regression trees (CART)
- Generalized additive models
- Boosting
- Feedforward neural networks (multilayer perceptrons)
- Ensemble learning
- Experimental comparison
- Interperting black-box models
- Markov and hidden Markov models
- Introduction
- Markov models
- Hidden Markov models
- Inference in HMMs
- Learning for HMMs
- Generalizations of HMMs
- State space models
- Introduction
- Application of SSMs
- Inference in LG-SSM
- Learning for LG-SSM
- Approximate online infernce for non-linear, non-Gaussian SSMs
- Hybrid discrete/continuous SSMs
- Undirected graphical models (Markov random fields)
- Introduction
- Conditional independence properties of UGMs
- Parameterization of MRFs
- Examples of MRFs
- Learning
- Conditional random fields (CRFs)
- Structural SVMs
- Exact inference for graphical models
- Introduction
- Belief propagation for trees
- The variable elimination algorithm
- The junction tree algorithm
- Computational intractability of exact inference in the worst case
- Variational inference
- Introduction
- Variational inference
- The mean field method
- Structured mean field
- Variational Bayes
- Variational Bayes EM
- Variational message passing and VIBES
- Local variational bounds
- More variational inference
- Introduction
- Loopy belief propagation: algorithmic issues
- Loopy belief propagationl: theoretical issues
- Extensions of belief propagation
- Expectation propagation
- MAP state estimation
- Monte Carlo inference
- Introduction
- Sampling from standard distributions
- Rejection sampling
- Importance sampling
- Particle filtering
- Rao-Blackwellised particle filtering (RBPF)
- Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) inference
- Introduction
- Gibbs sampling
- Metroplis Hastings algorithm
- Speed and accuracy of MCMC
- Auxiliary variable MCMC
- Annealing methods
- Approximationg the marginal likelihood
- Clustering
- Introduction
- Dirichlet process mixture models
- Affinity propagation
- Spectral clustering
- Hierarchical clustering
- Clustering datapoints and features
- Graphical model structure learning
- Introduction
- Structure learning for knowledge discovery
- Learning tree structures
- Learning DAG structures
- Learning DAG structure with latent variables
- Learning causal DAGs
- Learning undirected Gaussian graphical models
- Learning undirected discrete graphical models
- Latent variable models for discrete data
- Introduction
- Distributed state LVMs for discrete data
- Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA)
- Extensions of LDA
- LVMs for graph-sructured data
- LVMs for relational data
- Restricted Boltxmann machines (RBMs)
- Deep learning
- Introduction
- Deep generative models
- Deep neural networks
- Application of deep networks
- Discussion
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